Worship at Willoughby on Sunday mornings

We meet for worship in the Auditorium every Sunday morning at 10am.

Sunday morning services are also available on zoom and live streamed on Facebook.


Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month, and is open to anyone who is open to God’s love.


The worship style is mixed, with music often including a mix of traditional hymns and more contemporary worship songs.


Babies and children are welcome to our service, with a quiet play area set-up near the front.

During school terms, there is an invitation part-way through the service to attend our creche and Kids Church (Sunday School) activities.


Our high school children regularly help run the children’s activities, play in the worship band, and make cappuccinos for morning tea.


Worship is followed by morning tea: Tea, Coffee, Espresso, Hot chocolates and Milkshakes

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Combined Churches Taize

The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]