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Combined Churches Taize

The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]

Little Creators Playgroup

Little Creators Playgroup 9:30am – 11:30am every Tuesday during term time at Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 – 12 Clanwilliam St,[…]


Our Meditation groups meet on Mondays and Thursdays: We are linked with the World Community of Christian Meditation.  There is[…]


Come and join us for Mahjong on a Wednesday afternoon 1-3 pm at our Willoughy site: 10-12 Clanwilliam St, Willoughby. Experienced[…]

Love Gardens?

Come and join one of our Gardening groups – Gunyah Community Garden and Willoughby Garden Club.

Bush Tucker Plants

Bush Mint (Mentha satureioides) Old Man Saltbush Cinnamon Myrtle (Backhousia myrtifolia) Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) Aniseed Myrtle (Syzygium anisatum) Native[…]

Youth Group

We meet every Friday night during Term time to have fun, share food and learn a bit more about each[…]

Disaster Appeal

As weather patterns become more extreme, we experience more and more weather events that leave communities devastated by drought, fires[…]

Annual Report

Our annual report was presented at the Annual General meeting of the congregation on November 28. This meeting elected our[…]

Help Street Foundation

The Help Street Foundation is a ministry of the Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. The Foundation supports groups providing services[…]




Our church is a proud supporter of StreetWork – a community charity that supports vulnerable young people to turn their[…]

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윌로비, 노스브릿지 연합교회는 여러분을 환영합니다. 우리는 매주일 함께 모여 예배하며, 정기적인 주간 활동과 친교모임을 가집니다.

A Safe Church for All

Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church is committed to being a safe place for all people who engage with us, regardless[…]

Bush Tucker Garden

The South side of the Gunyah Community Garden has been converted into a bush tucker Garden with the help and[…]