Combined Churches Taize
The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]
Willoughby & Northbridge Uniting Church
Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church stands on the traditional land of the Cammeraygal and Wallumedegal people.
We have a range of activities at Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. Click on the pictures below for more information.
Dance Classes, Choirs and more
We have a range of activities at Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. Click the picture for the weekly timetable
Christian meditation
Come along and join us as we learn together and nurture our spirit and our Christian faith.
Clanwilliam Quilters
We are a friendly group of quilting enthusiasts who meet weekly on a Thursday at Willoughby Uniting Church from 1 – 4pm.
Garden Club
meets at Willoughby Uniting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 10.00 am until 12.00pm.
Gunyah Community Garden
The Gunyah Community Garden is in the grounds of Northbridge Uniting Church. A group of experts and novices gathers every Tuesday to work int eh garden
Family Social Events
We welcome families of all sizes and shapes – young families, Single parent families, Rainbow families, couples, NESB families – our family events are a chance for conversations, build friendships, have fun and support one another.
The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]
Little Creators Playgroup 9:30am – 11:30am every Tuesday during term time at Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 – 12 Clanwilliam St,[…]
Our Meditation groups meet on Mondays and Thursdays: We are linked with the World Community of Christian Meditation. There is[…]
Come and join us for Mahjong on a Wednesday afternoon 1-3 pm at our Willoughy site: 10-12 Clanwilliam St, Willoughby. Experienced[…]
Come and join one of our Gardening groups – Gunyah Community Garden and Willoughby Garden Club.
Bush Mint (Mentha satureioides) Old Man Saltbush Cinnamon Myrtle (Backhousia myrtifolia) Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) Aniseed Myrtle (Syzygium anisatum) Native[…]