Youth Group
We meet every Friday night during Term time to have fun, share food and learn a bit more about each[…]
Willoughby & Northbridge Uniting Church
Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church stands on the traditional land of the Cammeraygal and Wallumedegal people.
Our young people continue to thrive in their passion and love for Christ by exploring different ways of worship, creating colourful spaces together and sharing their beliefs about issues they really care about.
Matthew 18:20
For where more than two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
We are a small youth and young adults group at Willoughby and Northbridge, but we are rich in hope and love for God and others. In the life of our youth, we currently have various programs that run weekly and monthly to help engage our young people.
Teen Church every Sunday is run by our young people for our young people, during the school term. Like Kids Church, the teens and youth stay inside the Sunday service until the end of Kids Time, and then leave for Teen Church where they get to dive deeper in devotion and spiritual activity.
From time to time, our youth help lead Kids Church to assist our volunteers and to ensure they grow in their confidence to lead the young ones in a safe space.
Our monthly Night service – for youth, but youth have had the privilege of utilising this space to showcase the hidden gifts of each individual young person of our church family.
If you are a keen Christian, or you are just starting out in your faith and don’t know where to go or what to do, look no further than Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church. We yearn for more young people to join so if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Reach out! We’d love to have you join us!
We meet every Friday night during Term time to have fun, share food and learn a bit more about each[…]
Our church is a proud supporter of StreetWork – a community charity that supports vulnerable young people to turn their[…]