Combined Churches Taize
The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]
Willoughby & Northbridge Uniting Church
Willoughby and Northbridge Uniting Church stands on the traditional land of the Cammeraygal and Wallumedegal people.
Our gatherings are currently in person and online. Services are live-streamed through Zoom and Facebook. You are welcome to join us.
This is a traditional early evening service on the 2nd Sunday of the month in Northbridge
The evening fellowship meets in the Chapel in Willoughby in a relaxed format each Sunday night to sing, pray and read the Bible.
The Combined Churches of Northbridge are hosting an ecumenical Taize service at Northbridge Uniting Church on Sunday March 16th. Come[…]
Little Creators Playgroup 9:30am – 11:30am every Tuesday during term time at Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 – 12 Clanwilliam St,[…]
Our Meditation groups meet on Mondays and Thursdays: We are linked with the World Community of Christian Meditation. There is[…]
Come and join us for Mahjong on a Wednesday afternoon 1-3 pm at our Willoughy site: 10-12 Clanwilliam St, Willoughby. Experienced[…]
Come and join one of our Gardening groups – Gunyah Community Garden and Willoughby Garden Club.
On Sunday we had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Jill Doolan from Finke/Apatula - remote area ministry in the very centre of Australia (see See More
This Sunday we start with a fundraising breakfast for the Kailakuri health centre in Bangladesh. Following brekkie, we will hear part of the story of See More
Why not take a moment to sit, quieten the clanging symbols and noisy gongs that is an unending news cycle and listen to BOBBY MCFERRIN See More
Bobby McFerrin's VOCAbuLarieS featuring SLIXS & Friends, live in Gdansk, Poland at the Solidarity of Arts Festival, 17 August 2013